HCI Master Siegen

This community is open for HCI students and researcher from the University of Siegen.

Margarita Grinko · ·
Visible also to unregistered users

January 20, 2021 (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM)

AI systems offer a promise to improve decision making where people must account for an overwhelming number of potentially contributing factors. This could be from determining what we read in our social media feeds to helping judges making pretrial bail decisions. The power of these systems, along with their opacity and potential biases, can cause misinformed behavior, and can disproportionately impact minority and disadvantaged groups. The group of Consumer Informatics invites you to get engaged with algorithmic decision-making and to join in our guest keynote talk of Assistant Professor Motahhare Eslami on “Responsible AI: Supporting (Enough) Transparency and Bias-Awareness in AI Systems”. In this talk, we will discuss the new design techniques that communicate opaque algorithmic processes to users and provide them with a more informed, and bias-aware interaction with AI systems. Motahhare Eslami is an assistant professor at the School of Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. She earned her Ph.D. at the Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Motahhare’s research develops new communication techniques between users and opaque algorithmic socio-technical systems to provide users a more informed, satisfying, and engaging interaction. Her work has been recognized with a Google Ph.D. Fellowship, Best Paper Award at ACM CHI, and has been covered in mainstream media such as Time, The Washington Post, Huffington Post, the BBC, Fortune, and Quartz. Who? The talk is free of charge and open for everyone interested in Human AI interaction. When? We will meet on Wednesday, January 20. at 6 p.m. Where? The talk will be held via zoom. To join us, use the link below: [https://uni-siegen.zoom.us/j/94641738146?pwd=Y2pNNllKaWZ6SXovb0FDeHFDNmtyQT09](https://uni-siegen.zoom.us/j/94641738146?pwd=Y2pNNllKaWZ6SXovb0FDeHFDNmtyQT09)


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